Lori's story....As a child, Lori was abused by an adult that she trusted. She entered her teenage years as a confused and hurting young woman that felt unworthy of love. By the age of 15, Lori was drinking to numb the pain and later in life turned to using drugs along with the alcohol.
By the time she turned 40 she had hit rock bottom. With the weight of the lies, mounting debt, watching her children mirroring her actions, and her marriage on the brink of falling apart, Lori finally sought the help of friends. These friends changed her life by taking her to a Women of Faith conference.
At this event Lori heard comedian/singer Chonda Pierce (Chonda is also a spokesperson for the National House of Hope.) share her story of pain and traumatic family experiences. In spite of her past Chonda shared how she has healed and sang a song about hope, how much God loves us, and there is nothing so terrible that we could do that would cause Him to stop loving us. Her story and her light spoke to Lori and she felt moved to rededicate her life to Christ and left the conference with a renewed heart. Through counseling Lori began the long journey to work through her traumas to reach her goal of creating a happy and healthy relationships which included being free of drugs and alcohol.
In 2005, Lori had a calling to open up a home for hurting and broken teenage girls and their families. She had heard about a place called House of Hope National located in Florida at the same conference she had heard Chonda speak. In 2007, the doors to House of Hope York PA opened for parent education classes and non-residential counseling services in the community. In May, 2012, the Residential Home and Hope Academy opened for teen girls, giving them the chance to heal their heart wounds and learn that to be loved for who they are.
Meet the Team
Meet Sheri Picone
Hope Academy Teacher/School Administrator

Meet Becky Pearson B.A.
Hope Academy Teacher

Faye Hall, MA
Director of Counseling Services

Aubree Raine, M.C.S
Outpatient Counselor

Jo Fisher
Residential Programs Director

Stephanie Durity
House Parent

Meet Krista Templeton
House Parent

Zachary Vincent
Residential Program Counselor

Theresa Geroux
Residential Program Counselor

Melinda Tomes
House Parent

Sue Rothermel
House Parent

Catherine Stoner
House Parent

Melissa Arslan
Director of Community Outreach

Kris Clark
Administrative Assistant

Stacy Bankert
Marketing Coordinator

When placement is needed...
Raising a troubled teen is an overwhelming task for any parent. It often comes with a mixture of heartbreak and anxiety as you watch your daughter make poor decisions. Deciding to place a child outside the home to get her the help she needs would be the hardest thing you would ever have to do as a parent. It is important to weigh your options carefully. Regardless of whether you place your daughter with us, we are here to help.

Take advantage of this time you have to do something to help your daughter.
Problems do not magically go away when a child turns 18. A parent’s authority and your ability to make sure your child gets the help she needs is greatly diminished after she becomes an adult.